Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Anti-war Opinions and Their Obscurity

 War is a fairly touchy subject. A lot of people don't like to talk about it for some reason. There seems to be a stigma around criticizing war efforts, seemingly because people fear that the government will punish them for it. This belief is not without historical merit. During the Civil War and World War I, anti-war opinions were frequently silenced in favor of keeping the public seemingly uninformed about the negatives of entering a war beyond just the bloodshed. War causes financial burden, loss of life, stress upon the country or countries caught up in the crossfire, and damages relations with the countries that are fighting each other and with countries that have conflicting interests.

My most realistic belief is this: media doesn't like to talk about war because they're usually guided by political or religious beliefs. America leveled an entire country to kill a man who did not have access to the weaponry they claimed to have. War, especially nowadays, is fueled by greed rather than defense. Another big piece of it may be this: Most countries now don't formally declare war. Formally declaring war causes more burden than just marching in and fighting. Also, without formally declaring war, there may be a media incentive to not cover it. However, it is crucial that the people be informed about what the government is doing, especially considering that the money from taxes is seemingly getting flushed down the toilet of foreign affairs for the sake of greed, rather than being put to good use to remove hidden political indoctrination from schools and maintaining infrastructure. War has little, if any, benefits for either side long term. It cripples both countries financially, it damages relations with those allied with the opposing country, and can cause countries to economically depend on more stable countries. At the end of the day, all war does is harm everyone involved. I don't understand why war doesn't make headlines. It just feels like an entire cover-up in an effort to protect the jobs of politicians at the expense of keeping the people informed. I wish we didn't have to seek out this information so much, because it genuinely shouldn't be that way. My best guess is that it doesn't seem like it would get enough clicks or views as war isn't as politically charged as an election, censorship, or anything like that.

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